Battle Creek Brawl Movie Review

Okay, this time for reals this is the first Jackie Chan movie made in America. For true! He even speaks english! And I feel very confused... but not as confused as America, as this crazy guy showed up and backflipped his way through the action scenes. It seems like he was the only one who (blog) knew he'd be doing that.Source: Battle Creek Brawl

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Tremors A Cold Day in Hell Movie Review

The sixth film in the Tremors franchise, A Cold Day in Hell is about GRABOIDS IN THE ARCTIC! That's.. pretty much all there is to see here. There's also a (blog post) story about Burt coming to terms with Travis being his son, but that was last movie sooo.... you like slow motion?Source: Tremors A Cold Day in Hell Movie Review - Decker Shado Mor

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